The GED certificate is accepted by colleges and employers as an alternative to a high school diploma. To receive a certificate, a student must demonstrate college readiness by passing four exams:
Passing the exams, especially the mathematics assessment, can be a challenge. For many students, passing mathematics classes for credit can be easier than studying for and passing the GED math exam.
For daytime DELTA Center students interested in the GED, speak with the school counselor regarding your student academic plan.
For evening adult education students, speak with your adult education adviser regarding your student academic plan.
- Reasoning through Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social studies.
Passing the exams, especially the mathematics assessment, can be a challenge. For many students, passing mathematics classes for credit can be easier than studying for and passing the GED math exam.
For daytime DELTA Center students interested in the GED, speak with the school counselor regarding your student academic plan.
For evening adult education students, speak with your adult education adviser regarding your student academic plan.